My Last Meal On Earth
On duty this time I will tell my last meal on earth
Kalao possible in the given question as such it was a bit difficult to memeilihnya because so many foods that have not I feel especially regional specialties that exist in Indonesia. There is a food area that I often encounter in Pontianak is typical Minang food "Nasi Padang".
My favorite meal is clear eat typical upstream Kapuas district that is wet or temet crackers flavored with peanut sauce is the main ingredient of sago and fish Belidak and it would be my last meal when on earth kept chicken satay would be my last meal.
That's my story where the story mu ......
Minggu, 18 Desember 2016
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016
My speech tentangPertanian as the country's identity
The welcome and best wishes for all of us
Let us be grateful for the presence of Allah SWT, because we are given the opportunity sehigga health and we can lecture on this day in a healthy state.
Our country is an agricultural country with rich fertile soil that European countries and Japan flock to colonize and take our country agriculture. but now our country is a debate that is not able to meet the food needs so we have to imports and rely on other countries, it seems now our country is losing its identity as an agricultural country.
Currently we rely on state-states exporting foodstuffs to meet the shortfall. We as the future generation do not be shy and lazy to cultivate the farm because it is very promising for us who continue their education in agriculture and promote agriculture this country.
If it was not we who else will promote agriculture this country, because it is we who berkeempatan, and because we are students of agriculture
What if there is a mistake I apologize profusely ....
My favorite places if traveling
hallo friends salamat to my blog :) Loveliest travel experience when traveling to your favorite place My fondest experience the most exciting it is when where everyone can get together with his family. But next to me, I never felt what it was like a vacation with the family because of the distance between me and the family so is much. Start smp I've lived with someone else and therefore I have never been on the keluarga.Tapi I am happy though can not be like the others but I could feel a very wonderful experience I have ever tasted premises someone who never fill my days. At that time he took me on vacation to a beach which is very beautiful and hard to forget may be the one who in called the most beautiful trip. how beautiful the beach was during this time I've never seen such a beautiful beach sea water is very clean waves are so beautiful. indeed this is my most beautiful experience while on vacation to a place that is very beautiful and suitable to eliminate fatigue in mind. Until now every time I remember it really travel trip I want to repeat and go back to that place. And long story short this is probably one of the most beautiful experiences of my time to go somewhere very interesting. Although a lot of the places I visited perhaps this is one of my most exciting vacation because they can visit patai so beautiful and for now it is difficult found in Indonesia
Letter to myself 10 years to come
An Open Letter To Myself in the Future. May 10 Years Coming You Still Got to Read it.
Hi. How are you, me? Hope you're still healthy yes. Today I wrote a letter to you. Ten years from now I hope you can still use a little time in between kesibukanmu that accumulate to read this letter. I always struggle and pray for your success. Not precede the universe, I'm just guessing you doing later. To be honest I'm also really curious about how life at the time, the time when you're sitting on the edge of the bed while waiting for the little one asleep. Then smile for a series digest this strange sentence. May be.
1. The old are already growing a decade. Do you still cultivate the same hobbies?
Heavy indeed divide their time between myself and family. Increasing usiapun can change a person. Do you still like things like watching movies, melt boredom by devouring dramas and movies on a laptop or writing something that is not important in your personal blog? Maybe you changed course into love cooking, gathering or industrious hobby knitting. Can be.
2. The happy parents are required to do. Service and sacrifice for you infinity of all time.
Father and mother love you all time. From birth, they menimangmu, patiently taught you about everything. Even things that are not taught in school though. Make sure they remain proud to have you. Although it can not dispatch them hajj at least you're happy they passed the little things.
3. I hope you've met in your life partner and have a small version of yourself.
The most curious is how such a wife? What she is beautiful and Soleha?
As an adult, you are required to determine the course of your own life. Now there will be no problem when I pursue a career as high. However, being a wife and mother is also a job that takes a lot of time and energy. Will you be able to undergo gandamu role? Instead of working under pressure may be, you choose to make your own money-making machine from home. More time for family is not it?
Myself in the future, I'm sure your life has changed. It is certain you will grow older. The single and youth deserves to be remembered with beautiful. I am now is trying to enjoy it wholeheartedly so that you will not regret in the future. Equip themselves with new insights, trying to reach our dreams and memantaskan themselves for the complementary soul. One message for you. No matter how small your success, give thanks. Because you have passed through great struggle and journey of a cliff. Although the storms of life louder crashing. Tilt your head, straighten your body and never give up.
My Favorite Movie
hallo friends at this point I'll give a little review of my favorite movies. just maybe, one of my favorite movies is the film Laskar Pelangi tells the lives of children in some child Belitong. Andrea Hirata started with the sad story of education in Indonesia where a school student numbers to be closed. The school is in the Hanging SD Muhammadiyah East Belitung. However, because students are enrolled even 10 schools with makeshift buildings are still permitted activities as usual. All ten students are the army of the rainbow. Name given their teacher named Mrs. Mus, because of their penchant for rainbow. They are the children of the village with exceptional determination. Their journey full of unexpected events. Slowly they find advantages inside and friendship. Laskar Pelangi life revolves around the struggle of ten children have turned the ideals of their heavy life. There are dynamics in it. Sweet though heavy. Typical story of children who view the world with a simple ambition. although many claim is blasphemed because this story is real, may seem exaggerated in some respects. And yet, as a builder novel, Laskar Pelangi succeeded in converting a piece of our education, recharge their other passion to gain knowledge. Maybe that's all I can tell about the film Laskar Pelangi may be beneficial Thank you for visiting my blog :)
Why I Choose The Study Major Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb On this occasion I will explain why I entered the faculty of agriculture, why not other faculty. because in our country is a fertile soil and therefore our country is called an agricultural country but not a lot that can empower the arable land and the lack of experts in the field of agriculture. I therefore entered the faculty of agriculture so that time I could promote agriculture in the region and improve the quality of the country so that farmers are not far behind developed. at this point we still expect imports from other countries to meet their food needs in our country. perhaps, it would be my duty and other agricultural students
Thank you for reading my blog
Jumat, 25 November 2016
Subject Verb Agreement Exercise
Subject Verb Agreement Exercise.
1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.
6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.
7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.
8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.
13. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
14. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject.
16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.
17. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
18. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
19. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
20. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
21. The committee (leads, lead) very different lives in private.
22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially.
23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.
Rabu, 16 November 2016
Sample - Why Choosing The Study
Major At Faculty Of Agriculture
Hello friends
welcome you for taking the time to view my blog
The reason I went to the University College of Agriculture is due
to the island of Borneo is still lacking undergraduate section
agriculture sector and agricultural experts and it should be
the chief concern Borneo region to promote agriculture.
So I became interested in agricultural science so I entered
University College of Agriculture in Pontianak. As well as it's
one of my motivation for agriculture graduate who could form
someday be useful for my area.
hi friends, how are you today? today, I have learned about 5 tenses we frequently use and now. I'll share to you all about what I learn.
Simple present:
Digunakan untuk menyatakan habitual action atau rutinitas dan fakta umum
Rumus: (+) S + V1 (s/es)
(-) S + Do/Does + Not + V1
(?) Do/does + S + V1
Example: - they go to campus by motorcyle
- (+) She goes to campus by motorcy
- (-) I don’t take a bath twice a day
- (-) You don’t make the cake
- (?) does the sun rise from the west?
Simple past tense:
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang terjadi dimasa lampau
Rumus : (+) S + V2
(-) S + Did + Not + V1
(?) Did + S + V1
Example : I (try) my best
- (+) I tryed my best
- (-) I did’n my best
- (?) Did I try my best
Present / past continuous tense:
Present digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlansung sedangkan past digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlansung kemaren.
Rumus : (+) S + Be + Ving
(-) S + Be + Not + Ving
(?) Be + S +Ving
Adjective: kata sifat
Adverb: kata keterangan
Noun: kata benda
In : city / town / country
On : non complete
At : specific place
Simple future tense:
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kejadian yang belum terjadi, masih direncanakan, atau kejadian dimasa yang akan datang
Rumus : (+) S + Will + V1
(-) S + Will + Not + V1
(?) Will + S + V1
Present perfect tanse:
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan hasilnya masih terasa atau terlihat
Rumus : (+) S + Has / Have + V3
(-) S + Has / Have + Not + V1
(?) Has / Have + S + V3
Changed into the from of tenses above(+) :
1. She (drink) coffee They (start) the course
· 2. Ana and Linda (open) the account
· 3. The bank close at 5 p.m
· 4. The dog (run) trough the park
Answer :
· 1. She drank coffee
· 2. They have stared the course
· 3. Ana and Linda were opening the account
· 4. The bank closes at 5 p.m
· 5. The dog ran trough the park
I think that all from me. come back again to my blog and don't forget to comment below. thanks you
My Favorite Selfie and Why
Hallo friends we met again diartikel me ......Happy reading may be entertainingAt first I did not really like selfie immediately tried to even it be for my own preoccupation, selfie today has become a new culture that is very popular among young people and adults. With selfie we can express the face at will.There are funny if you already see the results selfie yourself sometimes looks handsome but it has become the ravings of every person who had seen hehehehMoment of the most cool is when we berselfie somewhere very beautiful and the place to hang out
Two Item That I Carry Everywhere
Two items that I brought everywhere the first is handphon because it can facilitate access to
telecommunications to anyone who wants us to ask its existence, seeking the latest information and
search location unknown territory ...
Continues the second is money because it was a financial necessity for a person to conduct transactions
wherever I am without money we can not go where the money has become a must for me when they
want to go
My Favorite Apps
Applications that I like is the application "GOOGLE" because of the application is very simple and easy to execute application of leptop want any handphon android. There are several additional applications google is very useful for users bleak Gmail, Google Maps, Gplus, Gdriver and several other features.Every feature has a different function and can simplify the User applications in daily life such as document delivery job duties and so on, search an area / place, storage of important files and many more examples. But there are also drawbacks depending on signal intenet and account ownership
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